The drawing I made and posted previously has something to do with something known as The Eternal Order Of Reasonably Civilized Monkeys.
How so? That is: How do I know the two are related?
I saw the writing and the drawing together, scribbled in marker on a bar's bathroom stall. Scribbled in the same hand.
So we have a group of bathroom vandalizers. Or -- which would be more fun -- organized crime with a funky name. Or anything in between.
No matter. I probably don't want to know. Finding out could result in physical pain (if we're dealing with organized crime) or disappointment or anything in between. Disappointment would be caused simply by knowing exactly what the Civilized Monkeys truly are. Then they would cease to be whatever I imagine they could be. And whatever they really are can't be as interesting as the hundreds of things I imagine they may be.
Reality is no fun.
Still. I need to know what's up. And will likely take some trouble to find out, since everything is my business.
Therefore, the recommendation (which has been kid tested, mother-approved*) is that you Stay Tuned, Blogfriends, for further installments of Calvin Bandini In: The Case of the Mysterious Monkeys!
Therefore, the recommendation (which has been kid tested, mother-approved*) is that you Stay Tuned, Blogfriends, for further installments of Calvin Bandini In: The Case of the Mysterious Monkeys!
*I ripped off the Kix slogan. Kix is a cereal best eaten with heaping teaspoons of refined sugar.
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