Sunday, March 8, 2009

It's not funny.

The homeopath
went on about
the evils of
antimalarial drugs
while slurping a
Gin and tonic --
the drink invented
(as tradition has it)
so India-colonizing Brits
could take their
antimalarial, bitter Quinine tastefully.

Samuel Hahnemann
took Quinine
some time after
he quit practicing medicine
and used its effects
to formulate
his invention:
and its principal tenet
"like cures like."

Which makes arsenic
the cure for arsenic poisoning,
once it is diluted (or "succussed") in
until the
no longer contains a
of arsenic.

Which makes pure, uncontaminated
(by the time the ill person takes it)
the homeopath's cure for everything
and the gin and tonic-swilling homeopath
an idiotic scammer
or, more likely,
dumb enough to
have been scammed herself
into scamming other idiots
since she
holds that Quinine is evil
though it led to the invention of the
bullshit quackery
that pays her bar bills.

Quinine info: Wiki.
Hahnemann info: Wiki.
Homeopathy info: Wiki.

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