Saturday, November 1, 2008

I know you.

I watched an elephant brain be dissected on a television show about elephants. The brain was being chopped up to further support that elephants have good memories. Their ability to know a lot about the places they go, the things they see, and the elephants they roam around with is very important to their society.

This made me wonder -- a bit tangentially -- if, maybe, memory is vital to the creation of emotions in beings. Do emotional attachments naturally spring from deep understandings of things and beings?

Is to know, know, know him, truly, to love, love, love him?

Today I think that familiarity with a thing needn't breed opinions and feelings for that thing. ...Familiarity doesn't, necessarily, cause value judgments to be made.

But I think they are in most cases.

(But I'm quite likely to think the opposite tomorrow.)

*Addition, November 2: Insects are the most successful animals of this age, and they must intimately understand their surroundings, places in social hierarchies, etc, but they exhibit no emotional attachments.

I'm now calling this one as: Mammals tend to form emotional ties and opinions of things because their brains are constructed in such a way as to make forming them likely.

New one: Do emotions make a species more or less fit for its environment (for survival, long-term) due to the display of emotions being a something mammals do simply to attract mates?

--But first: Do emotional displays attract mates? Is that what they're for?

("Obviously not" is my immediate reaction. ...More attention will be given to this in a future post. This post is likely to start out with me writing that the two questions I asked in the above paragraph were stupid.)


  1. Calvin Hi, yep I just found you on well something yes looking up lasonil cream and what to do with it....hahahah and no nothing to do with herpes I found out LMFAO. Well that was at about 11pm last night and now it is 12 pm sunday and im watching re runs of Dharma and Greg albeit not for me I never watched the show, & read your story and like any good read couldnt put it down. Although I did read some of the texts out of context due to just picking out a few to get the gist and then thinking oh fuck it i need to know more and to be honest the life fill in stories made it very real and read worthy 5 Stars even if you are a writer, I enjoyed ever word till the obama thing again LMFAO na I dont give a tiny rats ass much Im in Australia you guys will always be our big brother and look over us, so ............
    Your trip has certainly been amazing to me and an eye opener from every possible angle. Hey if I missed it im sorry but you need to write a tribute to your darling parents who i am sure as an adult child have given you as much grief as you them living back in their domain (this too i find funny once your out of that house its like fuck im never going back there EVER!!!!! Hey travel well & be safe & pain free I wish you lots of Happiness. Regards AussieGirl (ok ive had no sleep all your fault bet you havnt heard that in a long time hahahahaha you big sleeze lol lol yeah i think i read every word you wrote! - hey take no notice of typos i have been awake for far to long reading!)

  2. With regard to the horrible treatment of returning soldiers...
    My cousin recently returned from serving in Iraq with PTSD symptoms so severe that he is on a host of strong medications, including antipsychotics, and lost his wife and infant daughter shortly after returning home. I agree that post-duty treatment is pathetic at best.
    Another addition...After speaking with my cousin last Thanksgiving he told me that the work he did in the aftermath of Katrina was far more traumatizing then the war. Food for thought.
