Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Planned obsolescence.

The majority of Americans are against publicly funding embryonic stem cell research. The larger part of the populace is against laws that would fund such research even when this research is allowed to be performed only on embryos that would be discarded. That is to say (write): incinerated. Burned as though in hellfire itself.

Someone I know who has multiple sclerosis is against using taxpayers' money to fund the above, even with the stipulation mentioned above. And he (according to scientists) likely could benefit the most!

Americans can choose to use stem cells from embryos or choose not to. Either way, the embryos end up destroyed. Throwing them in an incinerator is one way to get rid of them. Another way is to involve them in research that could cure or benefit people who have MS, Parkinson's, nerve damage (including paralysis) and on, on, on.

Choice one: the one hundred percent guarantee that no good comes from the destruction of embryos. Many people holier than me, who claim to care about these embryos and human life more than I do, take this position. Which is a touch like saying "I care about waste management so much that I refuse to support recycling." (Awful simile.)

Choice two: the likelihood that the destruction of embryos eventually will lead to the easing and eventually curing of some of the worst ailments humans can have.

America prefers door number one. An incinerator door. The majority of US-ians believe it is morally correct that no good come from embryos bound for distruction. ...It is better that embryos be destroyed by fire than by beneficial research.

And that is nucking futs.

...The US is about to have new leadership. Leadership is about a lot of things -- and Americans have heard every cliche that supposedly defines it during the presidential campaign.

Here's a specific example of leadership: Issuing an executive order to correct the wrongheaded policies against stem cell research.

PS: This isn't meant to be a blog about politics or political issues. I'll try to write something smutty very soon to cleanse our palates.

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